2021年12月06日 17:25  点击:


张琳涛,男,汉族,中共党员,福建南平人,海南大学材料科学与工程学院讲师,硕士研究生导师,博士研究生第二导师。2019年毕业于中国科学院大学福建物质结构研究所有机化学专业,获博士学位。主要从事有机材料设计与器件制备,金属-金属间电子转移等相关研究。在Angew.Chem.Int. Ed.、Dalton Trans.、Cryst. Growth Des.、Chemistry - A European Journal 、New J. Chem.等期刊上发表SCI论文多篇。


2010.09-2014.06 郑州大学材料科学与工程专业工学学士

2014.09-2019.06 中国科学院大学福建物质结构研究所有机化学专业理学博士(吴新涛院士课题组,导师:盛天录研究员)


2019.09-2021.08 深圳大学韩素婷教授(国家优青)课题组从事博士后研究工作

2021.09-至今 海南大学材料科学与工程学院讲师


1.Lin-Tao Zhang,Ye Zhou*,Su-Ting Han*,The role of metal–organic framework in electronic sensors,Angewandte Chemie-International Edition,2021,60(28),15192-15212.

2.Lin-Tao Zhang, Xiao-Quan Zhu, Sheng-Min Hu, Yu-Xiao Zhang, Shao-Dong Su, Yu-Ying Yang, Xin-Tao Wu, Tian-Lu Sheng*,Influence of Substitution of Ligand at Donor and Acceptor Center on MMCT in Cyanide-Bridged Mixed Valence System,Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 7809-7816.

3.Lin-Tao Zhang, Xiao-Quan Zhu, Shao-Dong Su, Yu-Ying Yang, Sheng-Min Hu, Yue-Hong Wen, Xin-Tao Wu, Tian-Lu Sheng*,Influence of the Substitution of the Ligand on MM’CT Properties of Mixed Valence Heterometallic Cyanido-Bridged Ru–Fe Complexes,Cryst. Growth Des., 2018,18(6), 3674–3682.

4.Qing-Dou Xu,Lin-Tao Zhang, Chen Zeng, Yu-Ying Yang, Shao-Dong Su, Sheng-Min Hu, Xin-Tao Wu, Tian-Lu Sheng*,Influence of Fine Ligand Substitution Modification of the Isocyanidometal Bridge on Metal to Metal Charge Transfer Properties in Class II‐III Mixed Valence Complexes.Chemistry - A European Journal (DOI:10.1002/chem.202101194).

5.Shao-Dong Su,Xiao-Quan Zhu,Yue-Hong Wen,Lin-Tao Zhang,Yu-Ying Yang,Chen-Sheng Lin*,Xin-Tao Wu,Tian-Lu Sheng*.A Diruthenium-Based Mixed Spin Complex Ru25+(S=1/2)-CN-Ru25+(S=3/2). Angew.Chem.Int. Ed.,2019,58,15344 –15348.

6.Shao-Dong Su, Xiao-Quan Zhu,Lin-Tao Zhang, Yu-Ying Yang, Yue-Hong Wen, Xin-Tao Wu, Song-Qiu Yang*, Tian-Lu Sheng*,The MMCT excited state of a localized mixed valence cyanido-bridged RuII- RuIII,III2-RuIIcomplex,Dalton Trans., 2019,48, 9303-9309.

7.Yu-Ying Yang, Xiao-Quan Zhu, Sheng-Min Hu, Shao-Dong Su,Lin-Tao Zhang, Yue-Hong Wen, Xin-Tao Wu, Tian-Lu Sheng*,Different Degrees of Electron Delocalization in Mixed Valence Ru-Ru-Ru Compounds by Cyanido‐/Isocyanido‐Bridge Isomerism, Angew.Chem. Int. Ed., 2018,57,14046-14050.

8.Xiao-Quan Zhu,Shao-Dong Su,Yue-Hong Wen,Lin-Tao Zhang,Yu-Ying Yang,Xin-Tao Wu,Tian-Lu Sheng*,Redox-induced switch between luminescence and magnetism in a trinuclear cyanide-bridged compound†, Dalton Trans., 2018,47, 9985-9988.

9.Dong-Hui Chen, Ling Lin, Tian-Lu Sheng, Yue-Hong Wen, Xiao-Quan Zhu,Lin-Tao Zhang, Sheng-Min Hu, Rui-Biao Fu, Xin-Tao Wu*,Syntheses, structures, luminescence and magnetic properties of seven isomorphous metal–organic frameworks based on 2,7-bis(4-benzoic acid)-N-(4-benzoic acid)carbazole†, New J. Chem., 2018,42, 2830-2837.






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