2013年09月05日 10:59  点击:


目前为止,先后主持国家自然科学基金、海南省自然科学基金等项目3项;参与国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)、国家自然科学基金、海南省自然科学基金创新研究团队等项目5项。担任Journal of Alloys and Compounds、Journal of Bionic Engineering、International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology等SCI收录期刊的审稿人;共发表40余篇学术论文,申请国家发明专利6项,已授权3项。




  1. Wei Li, Xi Xie, Tiantian Wu, HuanYang, Yanan Peng, Lijie Luo, Yongjun Chen*. Targeted delivery of Auristatin PE to Hep G2 cells using folate-conjugated boron nitride nanotubes. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 109 (2020) 110509.

  2. Xue Hou, Hui Yu, Zhenhao Hou, Jianbao Li*, Yongjun Chen*, Lijie Luo, Xianzhi Chen, Wei Li, HuanYang, Wei Zeng. Structural and mechanical evolution of Tridacna gigas during permineralization. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 103 (2020) 103609.

  3. Lei Dong, Zehai Ruan, Yongjun Chen, Jianbao Li, Lijie Luo*. Fabrication, microstructure and physico-mechanical properties of highly porous acicular mullite ceramic foams by freeze casting method. Materials Research Express. 6 (2019) 115091.

  4. Xianzhi Chen, Lijie Luo, Longyang Liu, Jianbao Li, Hui Yu, Wei Li, Yongjun Chen*. Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-pressed Al2O3–mullite–ZrO2–SiC composites. Materials Science & Engineering A 740–741 (2019) 390–397.

  5. Wei Li, Xi Xie, Tiantian Wu, Hong Lin, Lijie Luo, Huan Yang, Jianbao Li, Yu Xin, Xiaoding Lin, Yongjun Chen*. Loading Auristatin PE onto boron nitride nanotubes and their effects on the apoptosis of Hep G2 cells. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 181 (2019) 305-314.

  6. Hui Yu, Zhenhao Hou, Xiaodong Guo, Yongjun Chen, Jianlin Li, Lijie Luo*, Jianbao Li, Tao Yang. Finite element analysis on flexural strength of Al2O3-ZrO2composite ceramics with different proportions. Materials Science and Engineering A. 738 (2018) 213–218.

  7. Hui Yu, Yongjun Chen, Xiaodong Guo, Lijie Luo*, Jianbao Li, Wei Li, Zhichao Xu, Tianfeng Li, Gaolong Wu. Study on mechanical properties of hot pressing sintered mullite-ZrO2composites with finite element method. Ceramics International. 44 (2018) 7509–7514.

  8. Tianfeng Li, Yongjun Chen, Wei Li, Jianbao Li, Lijie Luo*, Tao Yang, Longyang Liu, Gaolong Wu. Fabrication and mechanical properties of boron nitride nanotube reinforced silicon nitride ceramics. Ceramics International. 44 (2018) 6456–6460.

  9. Zhichao Xu, Yongjun Chen, Wei Li, Lijie Luo*, Gaolong Wu. Synthesis of BC1.61N0.76micro-nano structures from natural rubber latex with visible-light emission property. Materials Letters. 222 (2018) 96–99.

  10. Zhichao Xu, Yongjun Chen, Wei Li, Jianbao Li, Hui Yu, Longyang Liu, Gaolong Wu, Tao Yang and Lijie Luo*. Preparation of boron nitride nanosheet-coated carbon fibres and their enhanced antioxidant and microwave-absorbing properties. RSC Advances.8 (2018) 17944–17949.

  11. Lei Hu, Lijie Luo, Lingfei Tang, Chunfu Lin*, Renjie Li, Yongjun Chen. Ti2Nb2xO4+5xanode materials for lithium-ion batteries: a comprehensive review.Journal of Materials Chemistry A.6 (2018) 9799–9815.

  12. Hui Yu, Zhihao Xu, Ziye Wei,Yongjun Chen, Jianbao Li, Lijie Luo*. Effect of talc and titania on the microstructure and mechanical properties of alumina ceramics.International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.15 (2018) 633–642.

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